Notes from the Lab

In an earlier time, some might call this a blog


We’re happy to announce the open source release of our Origin-IP scanner chaos, developed with ChatGPT.

This utility is generally intended for penetration testers and bug hunters, and can be used to find out whether and how IP addresses with HTTP services respond to different FQDN HTTP Host headers

Pushing CHATGPT: What will today’s edge look like tomorrow?

Let's have fun testing if we can use ChatGPT as a technical assistant for security stuff!

The idea here is to push ChatGPT further than it should be able to go in order to measure where the limit might be :)


Rental Cars: Are you leaving important bits behind?

Spending five minutes spinning nobs and pressing buttons in a rental car turns up some potentially interesting stuff.

ANN AV: Don't go all-in on the secret sauce hype

Have Artificial Neural Networks revolutionized the Anti-Virus industry?  

Turns out there might be some room to grow in the technology ;)



Chrome (Incognito) Cache Conundrum 

Maybe some weirdness in the way Chrome handles the cache for Incognito windows / tabs.

You may expect the incog cache to clear when you clear browser data, like the normal cache does, but no.  And in fact, it gets a little moar weird :)