chaos is an 'origin' IP scanner developed by RST in collaboration with ChatGPT. It is a niche utility with an intended audience of mostly penetration testers and bug hunters. For more information, please check out the related blog post.
An origin-IP is a term-of-art expression describing the final public IP destination for websites that are publicly served via 3rd parties.
chaos example testing publicly known web services from a MacOS laptop (video playback at 2x)
An alternate view of chaos is that it tests whether and how web services on specific IPs respond when given specific HTTP Host header values.
chaos was rapidly prototyped from idea to functional proof-of-concept in less than 24 hours using DevOps principles we developed through trial and error doing development work with ChatGPT.
chaos is released as Open Source Software via GPLv3 with no warranties and is available on our github.
If you want to talk about anything related to chaos, please let us know via the Contact page